
Thursday, 6 August 2015

William firefighter

Being a firefighter is a challenging job. You have to be fit and mentally strong.

What Do Firefighters Do?
Firefighters go around schools to help us know what to do in a fire problem. They teach us we have to get down low and we run outside and call 111 or 911. Firefighters also  rescued people if they are in a car crash. They save them if they are trapped in  the crash Call 111 or 911 in a car crash so there is a fire engine there on hand in case it blows up into flames.

What Do Firefighters Wear?
            Firefighter wear protective clothing
            so they don’t get burnt in fires.
            Firefighter wear special boots so
            their feet don’t get burnt or hurt.
What Are The Characteristics Of A Firefighter?
Firefighters have to train to be fit and strong. They have to do teamwork to extinguish fires  because it can make lot of smoke so the firefighter don’t breathe.  They need a breathing apparatus so the  firefighters don’t breathe poisonous gases or they would die of the gases.
A firefighter wears a helmet and a
         visors to protect their face from the
         hot flames coming to their eyes .
         A helmet protects your head from the
         wood so it doesn't burn your head
        your heart.  

1 comment:

  1. good job william great detail that you put in there amazing work it has got vocab from hopa
